Thursday, April 19, 2012

Second Trimester

Up even through most of my second trimester, I still didn't feel like there was a baby in there.  All I really had to show for the past 3 or 4 months was lots of funny, embarrassing throw up stories, heartburn, constipation, and this slight bump on my stomach that I was convinced you still couldn't tell if it was a baby bump or a beer belly.  It wasn't until I felt the baby move for sure that I was convinced I really was pregnant.  It felt like fluttering and muscle spasms at first, but then they started getting stronger and more consistent.  I didn't realize how big my belly was getting, since I looked at it everyday.  When I went to Logan, UT for a week at the end of January for work, I came back and Colin couldn't believe how much it had grown in just a week.  That's when people I think people could actually tell I was pregnant and not just putting on 10 pounds.  My morning sickness was getting better, it wasn't happening everyday, which I was relieved to finally start to see the end of. 

At 20 weeks we went in for our ultrasound and to find out what the gender was.  We were convinced, along with all our friends and family, that it was a boy.  So far, all the grandkids in Colin's family have been every other and they just had a girl last.  Colin's cousin, Ariel, had a little girl and everybody pregnant at my work and in our ward all just found they were having girls. I thought it had to switch back sometime and we just had this feeling it was a boy.
She was a little shy, laying in the fetal position with feet crossed at the ankles, so the tech couldn't tell yet. 

 The tech started looking at some other stuff, hoping baby would move around a little bit.  We saw that she has Colin's full lips, and likes to lay with her hand over her eyes, just like momma.

 Here's her little foot. 

 She then got in a 90 degree angle stretching out her legs and grabbing her ankles, which gave us the shot we needed. 

We were a little shocked she was a girl! I immediately felt a connection and was ecstatic.  I have always had a special connection with my mom and I knew it would the same with my daughter.  Colin, on the other hand, said the first thought in his head was "what do I do with a girl?". Then, "Holy crap, when she brings home her first boyfriend".  They had another trained tech come and check, which Colin was happy about (I think he really wanted a second opinion).  Colin also asked the nurse that came in to take my blood sample to take a look.  So, we had 3 people confirm she was a girl.  We had already decided on names either way, so we knew instantly she was Oaklyn Kay.  Those 3D images are great because you can really get an idea of what they look like.  I'm sure she will change a bit, but she totally looks like an Oaklyn to us so far. 

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